Cookie Policy

EPERC-AISBL COOKIES USE POLICY GENERAL STATEMENT This is the cookies use policy of EPERC-AISBL, having its registered office at B-1030 Schaarbeek (Brussels), BluePoint Brussels, Boulevard Auguste Reyers     80, e-mail     (“EPERC”). Eperc acts as...

Restricted Area

MEMBERS' AREA WELCOME TO THE EPERC’S MEMBERS’ AREA     Old EPERC Documents Eperc_Bulletin_2-1999 INSPECTION EUROPEAN APPROACH TO PRESSURE EQUIPMENT INSPECTION EPERC Bulletin Nr 2 Petten, October 1999 Ed. Jean-Bernard Veyret, Guy Baylac  ...

Task Groups

TASK GROUPS TASK AREAS This goal is achieved by regular meetings of EPERC Task Groups, composed by experts who are EPERC members or work for EPERC member companies. Each Task Group is working on a specific subject which is of common interest of the members.   EPERC...


OUR MEMBERSHIP EPERC MEMBERSHIP The AISBL (not for profit association according to the Belgian legislation) has now been liquidated. As soon as a new legal structure of the association will be found, its constitution with the relevant association fees will be...


NEWSLETTER OUR LATEST NEWSLETTERS EPERC regularly issue numerous newsletters throughout the year on various topics to co-ordinate, develop and promote the technical interests of pressure equipment through research and experiences. To see EPERC’s latest newsletter,...